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By Twisted Gurl

August 10, 2022

All of us have heard about origami and most of us have even seen amazing origami items created out of paper and other materials. However, an understanding of the rich origin of this form of art is not known to many. Origami originated as a Japanese art of folding paper and is as old as the 17th century. The world came to know of this amazing way of creating art around the 1900s and since then it has taken many forms and diverged into art forms via different materials apart from paper. The idea behind origami is to use a sheet of paper (or any material now), and sculpt it to create a sculpture without using any adhesives to hold the form together. It is considered a very skillful art form and requires a deep understanding and creativity. Remember the paper crane that many people make for their children, or even use as decoration in their homes?

There are many forms of origami and people have been creating origami art for centuries. There is action origami that creates objects whose parts can be moved through careful art, there is modular origami that needs many identical pieces to be created and assembled together to create a bigger item, and there is also wet folding which means that origami is not created with geometric folds or flat surfaces but with gentle curves. There are various other forms of origami as different countries and different people keep on enhancing the way this ancient art form is practiced. The reason behind creating this remains the same though, to amaze the viewers with the intricacies used in creating the art form and to unleash your imagination to make something incredible with simple materials.

Since we are all curious and creative by nature, origami has digressed further from just being a way to create sculptures using materials to creating art from the body. We have always tried to create art through or on our bodies and the examples of that are many and go deep into our history. Earlier signals of our desire to decorate ourselves and express art are visible in the traditions of tattooing our bodies. We have all seen the extensive detailing and designs that our ancestors used to decorate their bodies, men and women had different ways to make designs on themselves to make themselves seem more appealing or to indicate a certain position in their tribes. Then came the piercing and we began adorning ourselves with various precious stones and metals to add to our beauty…all of this was done to enhance the way we look and to express ourselves. Body art is not so uncommon today as well, in fact, it has used modern technology and is growing to its full potential day by day and we can see many people creating amazing art through or on their bodies…and why not, what is better way to express your creativity than to put it on yourself?

Keeping in line with our desire to use art to enhance the way we look or feel; origami has become a recent way of using the techniques and skills and creating art forms through a secret body part, it is called Labia Origami.

Vagina Origami

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